Monday, 26 October 2009

Day 3 - Healthcheck

Morning of day 3. Team health as follows:

Selwyn - Mr Nurofen is holding up well. However, is starting to use my Voltarol cream more and more.

Joey - Not up yet. Hopefully no hangover today.

Chippy - After a terrible stitch yesterday which crippled him for the last 20 km has vowed to make us pay today with a hard pace.

Kieron - I swear he has more muscles now than when we left!

Evgeny - Feels no pain or if he does he doesn't say so!

Me - Thank god for Immodium!!!!

Enviado desde mi dispositivo inalámbrico BlackBerry®


  1. Well done guys. Hope the food gets better the closer you get to Gib.

  2. I'm so jealous :) Will we recognize you when you get here! Keep it up boys...the wonders of imodium, keep one fit and health!


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